Hello there
PHP Unconference has established itself as a forum for core developers, developers and users to discuss PHP and other related web technologies.
The next PHP Unconference will take place on 19th & 20th February, 2011 in Manchester, UK. The organizers are expecting 180 participants
from all over Europe. Learn more about PHP Unconference Europe. The tickets will go on sale shortly.
We would be really happy for you to come to the event this year.
In addition, The PHP Consulting Company (thePHP.cc) is offering a two-day training course on developing and testing professional PHP code right after PHP Unconference Europe. PHP Days in Manchester will be held by Sebastian Bergmann, Arne Blankerts and Stefan Priebsch.
The price for this training course includes admission to PHP Unconference Europe. PHP Unconference Europe is the perfect preparation for attendees to get the most out of PHP Days in Manchester.
Learn more about PHP Days in Manchester.
Tickets for the PHPucEU and PHP Days in Manchester are already on sale.
If you have any questions, please contact one of the organizers: Contact.
Very best regards
PHP Unconference Europe